27th September 2024

Search Old Bolsover Town Council

Serving the people

Community Grants

Grants for Community Groups and Projects are available from a number of local bodies as well as national ones.

Old Bolsover Town Council has an annual budget for grants.

If you wish to apply for a grant please send an email to the Town Clerk outlining the following information.

Your Name

Name of Group


Telephone Number

Email address

Website / Facebook Pages

Charity Number (if applicable)

Company Number (if applicable)

Type of Organisation (e.g. Community Group / Sports Club / Charity / Social Enterprise / CIC / Partnership / Limited Company / Other (please specify)

Details about your group (What the group does - How many members do you have - What area do you operate in?)

Details about what you are asking the Council to fund.

Details of who else funds your group.

Please include a copy of your constitution / governing document if you have one together with recent accounts or income/expenditure statement and a business plan (if you have one)

Your request will then be submitted to the Council for consideration.

Please note that the Council has no statutory duty to support or make grants to any organisation.

Last updated: Mon, 04 Mar 2019 08:20