27th September 2024

Search Old Bolsover Town Council

Serving the people

The Oxcroft Centre

At its meeting on 10 September 2024, Old Bolsover Town Council resolved to close The Oxcroft Centre; bookings scheduled up until the beginning of October 2024 will be honoured, but no new bookings will be accepted beyond this date.

The Centre located at 55 Clowne Road, Stanfree, has been under the trusteeship of Old Bolsover Town Council since 10 April 2017, with the consent of CISWO. Despite the significant efforts of the Committee and its employees, including the creation of a business plan and the organisation of regular events, the financial strain has made it clear that additional funding from the Town Council would be required to keep the Centre operational through this financial year; unfortunately, this situation is not sustainable in the long term.

The Committee also considered the impact on current users, including the bowls club, luncheon club, music festivals, and the annual fireworks event, as well as the significant maintenance needs of the venue. Moving forward, the Council will seek advice from CISWO and independent legal advice to formalise the process.

Posted: Mon, 16 Sep 2024

Tags: Notices