22nd December 2024

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Notice of intended disposal of land

  • Sale of Land (PDF, 70 Kb)

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by OLD BOLSOVER TOWN COUNCIL of its intention to dispose of agricultural and allotment land comprising a total area of approx. 4.1 Ha (10.2 Acres) (four point one Hectares / ten point two acres) situated to the East of Oxcroft Lane, north of Longlands, Bolsover in the County of Derbyshire under the provisions of S123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.

  • Plan (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

    Plan for Notice

  • Notice of Sale of Land (PDF, 65 Kb)

    Notice of Sale of Land

Bolsover North

Bolsover District Council's Local Plan for Bolsover District (March 2020) plans for growth in Bolsover town and includes a strategic site allocation known as Bolsover North.

The Bolsover North site includes the provision of 950 homes, a town park, the relocation and expansion of the infant school and a new care home, alongside local transport improvements.

Phase 1, the delivery of approximately 200 homes, is in progress to be completed by 2025. The next phases of the development will see the delivery of approximately 750 homes (over a 10-year period) along with delivery of the town park, school, new roads and care home.

Old Bolsover Town Council Proposed Land Disposal

Old Bolsover Town Council own three parcels of land within the Bolsover North site. They are currently used as agricultural and allotment land. Old Bolsover Town Council proposes to dispose of its three parcels of land to the developers building out the site.

To address the loss of any used allotment land, Old Bolsover Town Council will liaise with affected parties to help relocate them to an alternative plot should they wish to continue.


The Town Council wants to publicise this land disposal so that interested parties can make representations to the Town Council for consideration within the sale process.

A plan showing the land to be disposed of may be inspected by appointment (telephone 01246 823809) at the offices of Old Bolsover Town Council, Town Hall, Cotton Street, Bolsover, Derbyshire, S44 6HA between the hours of 9:00am and 1.00pm Mondays to Fridays inclusive.

Any representations on the proposed disposal must be made in writing and submitted to the Town Clerk by no later than 5:00pm on Friday 27 October 2023.

Charlotte Taylor, Town Clerk, Old Bolsover Town Council, Town Hall, Cotton Street, BOLSOVER, Derbyshire, S44 6HA.

Town Council Statement – Bolsover North Development

The Council issued the following statement on 16 July 2023.

Bolsover North Development

As many residents will already be aware, Bolsover District Council's Local Plan, adopted in 2020, sets out the District Council's plans for providing 5,700 new dwellings across the District between 2014 and 2033. Of this, Bolsover Town is planned to accommodate in the region of 1,800 homes across five site allocations.

Bolsover North Strategic Site

The key strategic site for development within Bolsover Town is the Bolsover North Site.

This is expected to deliver approximately 950 dwellings, the development will also provide a number of additional facilities for the town including;

  • a new town park
  • a new highway to relieve traffic pressure on Welbeck Road/Marlpit Lane
  • an extra care facility
  • a new building for the infant school to provide increased capacity
  • funding to increase capacity at the junior and secondary schools
  • financial contributions towards improvements to the Town End junction, along with improving the walking and cycling infrastructure

Building has already commenced on the first phase of Bolsover North, which will provide 238 dwellings over the next three years. Plans are now being prepared for the second phase of Bolsover North, this includes the development of relocation houses for property owners whose homes will be demolished to form the link road through the site.

The second phase of the development set out in the strategic site allocation includes three parcels of land owned by Old Bolsover Town Council, this includes a section of the allotments located on Oxcroft Lane, a field to the rear of the allotments on Oxcroft Lane, and a section of allotments located off Longlands.

The Council have not yet agreed any terms in relation to the sale of these parcels of land, but it is something that will need to be carefully considered in the near future as the development progresses.

The land off Longlands is key to the second phase of the development as this is to provide essential infrastructure supporting the delivery of a new highway to the development. The Town Council understand that they are the only party to yet agree terms for the sale of their land, and given the importance of the site for the infrastructure of the development, the land could ultimately be subject to a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) from the District Council to ensure delivery of the programme.

The other two parcels are less critical from an infrastructure perspective, but they are vital to the proper delivery of the scheme, should the Town Council opt to not sell they could also be a risk of a CPO and hinder the delivery of the planned infrastructure capacity improvements for the town. There is also the possibility that the slower delivery of the Bolsover North strategic site could lead to unplanned sites in the countryside coming forward to take advantage in shortfall in delivery at appeal.

The Council appreciate that many residents will want to find out more information about the plans and share their views, so with support from our colleagues at the District Council we will be holding a consultation event date in the near future, details will be shared once dates have been confirmed.


Should the Council decide to proceed with the sale of the parcels of land, we will consult directly with any allotment plot holders who may be affected, and work with them to identify suitable alternatives. The Town Council will also seek advice from The National Allotment Association and the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. If required, it is proposed that Council go through the enhanced disposal process and apply to the Secretary of State to dispose of allotment land, subject to Section 8 of the Allotments Act 1925.

News | Old Bolsover Town Council

Last updated: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 09:18