22nd December 2024

Search Old Bolsover Town Council

Serving the people


The Town Council is responsible for seven Play Areas in the town which are situated on the Recreation Grounds.

Bentinck Park
Hornscroft Park
King George V Park
Vale Park
Whaley Common

More information about these areas can be found here

All parks and play areas are available to use 7 days per week. Parks will normally remain open for 24 hours a day with no restriction of access. Occasionally parks may be used for Galas or special events but members of the public will usually enjoy free access to play equipment. Sports football pitches will be let and chargable based on the Council's normal terms agreement.

The Council has produced a Bolsover Play and Recreation Initiative strategy document which will guide community involvement in a major funding investment programme aimed at improving five parks. The programme has resulted in improvements which started in late 2009.

The Council are continually seeking to make improvements to play facilities and are actively seeking external funding, including those from developers of residential property (s106 agreements) to achieve this.

Last updated: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 10:33