27th September 2024

Search Old Bolsover Town Council

Serving the people

Public Meetings

All Town Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber and are open to the public. Meeting Agendas are available from the website three working days prior to the meeting and also displayed on our Notice Boards outside the Town Hall and at Stanfree Recreation ground together with the Notice board located within Bainbridge Hall.

Full Council Meetings commence at 6.45pm (unless indicated otherwise) and are open to members of the Public. Members of the Public have an opportunity to ask questions to the Council. A period of 15 minutes is set aside at each meeting for this purpose.

If the Town Council appoints Committees, the dates of the meetings will also be advertised on the Council's Notice Boards. Members of the Public may also attend these meetings (unless confidential matters are being discussed) but as observers only (you will not be able to speak during the meeting).

The Annual Town Meeting is normally held during May at the Town Hall. This is not a Town Council meeting but one for the electorate and is a "Public Meeting".

Please see the Council Calendar for details of all meetings.

Last updated: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:13